What if in "Back to the Future" the DeLorean gives place to a Cybertruck?


Among the various inspirations cited by Elon Musk for the design of his cyberpunk pick-up, the Tesla Cybertruck , some come from the seventh art, like the movie Blade Runner. But a quick look at its bare stainless steel bodywork, and the polygonal lines immediately bring us back to the iconic DeLorean DMC-12 from the “Back to the Future” trilogy.

Would Cybertruck be a good replacement for the unavoidable DeLorean as a time machine?

That's what we can discover in this YouTube channel clip with the suggestive name Elon McFly — a combination of the name of Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, with the surname of Marty McFly, the main character of “Back to the Future” and accidental time traveler , played by Michael J. Fox.

In the short clip we return to the first film of the triology, when we first see the time machine in action:

As you could see, the reassembled scene no longer has the DeLorean as a time machine, with Tesla Cybertruck in its place.

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The setup is quite convincing, not even lacking the flux capacitor inside, and all the paraphernalia needed to time travel outside the Cybertruck identical to the DeLorean. After the pick-up disappeared into the future, the creator of this assembly could not contain himself, and changed the characters on the number plate that was whirling furiously, starting to indicate a suggestive “LOL GAS”! ?

Cybertruck vs DeLorean

Returning to reality, it is not without irony that we witness a kind of “resurrection” of the DeLorean DMC-12, albeit in very specific terms, long before we can see Tesla Cybertruck on the street as a production model — according to the announcement, only at the end of 2021.

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