Portuguese designer tries to "save" Tesla Cybertruck


THE cybertruck it couldn't be a more violent contrast when compared to Tesla's other models, the S3XY. Even a week after its revelation, we believe that many of you are still trying to assimilate what your eyes see.

Others, however, are already imagining ways to “save” Tesla Cybertruck's design, a true ORNI (Unidentified Rolling Object) — just browse the net and we come across several proposals in this regard.

We couldn't resist highlighting a proposal by a Portuguese designer, João Costa, from Creation:

Tesla Cybertruck. Redesign João Costa

The Cybertruck by João Costa

If the unusual pentagonal silhouette remains, this designer's work focuses on what happens within its boundaries. We list the differences, based on the author's words.

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The wheels grew, and gained “an anodized copper insert on one of the spokes”, the same material that can be found in the window moldings and also in the (dynamic) stirrups.

Perhaps the most radical change is the one we see in the mudguards, which are longer and also have more dynamic contours (playing with the other obliques that define the contours of the bodywork), in matte black, which, according to João Costa “attributes a dynamics different from the geometry” of the pick-up.

The door handles also deserved the designer's attention. These were repositioned in a “slot on the surface of the vehicle, which extends to the front optics”. And if we look at the new position of the tailgate handle, it can be seen that it starts to open upside down, that is, it is a “suicide” type door, a solution that is not unprecedented in the universe of American pick-ups.

Another change refers to the inverted orientation of the rear window trim on the C-pillar, as if it were a continuation of the same oblique line that delimits the rear mudguard and the anodized extension of the stapes.

Finally, João Costa painted the Tesla Cybertruck in white, dispensing with the natural tone of stainless steel, the material from which the body panels are made.

The changes made by João Costa add a layer of style to a vehicle that has nothing of style. I turn the floor over to you, dear readers. In your opinion, was this redesign successful?

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