Complaints against IMT increased by 179% in 2021


The numbers are from the “Portal da Queixa” and leave no doubt: dissatisfaction with the services of the Institute for Mobility and Transport (IMT) has been growing.

In total, between January 1 and September 30, 2021, 3776 complaints against that public body were registered on that portal. To give you an idea, in the same period of 2020, only 1354 complaints had been filed, that is, complaints against the IMT grew by 179%.

But there is more. Between January and September, in just one month, in July, the number of complaints was not higher than that registered in the previous month, revealing a growing evolution of complaints filed against the IMT.

Month 2020 2021 Variation
January 130 243 87%
February 137 251 83%
March 88 347 294%
April 55 404 635%
May 87 430 394%
June 113 490 334%
July 224 464 107%
August 248 570 130%
September 272 577 112%
Total 1354 3776 179%

Driving license issues lead to complaints

Among the problems that caused the most complaints in the "Portal da Complaint" are the difficulties in obtaining a driving license - exchange of foreign driving license, renewal, issuance and sending - which accounted for 62% of the complaints, of which 47 % were complaints about problems with exchanging foreign driving licenses.

After the problems related to driving licenses, there are issues related to vehicles (approvals, registrations, booklets, documentation, inspections), which represent 12% of complaints.

4% of complaints were motivated by the lack of quality of customer service and the malfunctioning of the IMT portal. Finally, 2% complaints correspond to difficulties in scheduling exams.

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