Accident in Brazil with a Nissan GT-R causes fatal victims


There are those who say that it is essential to have an excellent “nail kit” to dominate a super sports car, an argument that I don't even disagree with, however, overconfidence can be too sharp a blade for our “nails”.

On December 21st, a well-known mechanic from São Paulo had a serious accident at the wheel of a Nissan GT-R. The Japanese super sports car crashed into a tree in the central median on Avenida Atlântica, in the south of São Paulo, and left Ying Hau Wang, 37, seriously injured, and his girlfriend, Munich Angeloni, 24, who was in the passenger seat, died on the spot.

According to sources close to the mechanic, Ying Hau Wang was testing the Nissan GT-R's new exhaust system when it happened. However, this tragic accident was supposed to have happened because of the mechanic's overconfidence and not because of his lack of a “nail kit”. At the very least, I don't want to believe that this man, renowned for his work in the automobile business, was still a complete "clumsy" behind the wheel of these big machines.

Remember, no matter how good your machine is, it's not worth more than your life...

Text: Tiago Luís

Source: G1

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