Nissan GT-R Bolt fetched over 190,000 dollars


The Nissan GT-R Bolt Gold was auctioned off as promised and along with the accompanying accessories it managed to raise $193,191 which will be delivered to the Usain Bolt Foundation.

As we had already reported here at RazãoAutomóvel, Nissan produced two special models of its speed icon, the GT-R, and the best partner for a bullet would always have to be another bullet, hence the union between Nissan and Usain Bolt. One of the copies was intended for the athlete, who now has a perfect car for those who are always on the run.

COO Toshiyuki Shiga and Usain Bolt at Nissan HQ.

The other produced copy, as advertised here at RazãoAutomóvel, was auctioned on ebay and sold to an Australian buyer, who made the highest bid. The result of the initiative was very positive and resulted in the donation of almost 200 thousand dollars to the Usain Bolt Foundation, which supports Jamaican children by creating educational and cultural opportunities. The buyer, in an act of solidarity, manages to help disadvantaged children, while speeding up his garage with a Nissan GT-R. The best of both worlds!

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