Coronavirus. expoMECHANICS postponed to June


After having led to the cancellation of the Geneva Motor Show, the postponement of the Chinese GP and its effects having been felt in car production, the coronavirus has now led to the postponement of expoMECÂNICA, the largest Portuguese fair dedicated to car aftermarket.

Originally the 7th edition of expoMECÂNICA was to take place between April 17th and 19th at Exponor. However, the coronavirus outbreak that has been spreading all over the world has led the event organizers to review their plans and change the fair's date to June 5-7.

Regarding this decision, the organization of expoMECÂNICA justified it not only with the need to ensure the safety and health of all employees, exhibitors, partners and visitors, but also with the increasing difficulty of "exhibitors in guaranteeing the goods provided for the fair” and some “restrictions in terms of technical support”.

José Manuel Costa, general director of Kikai Eventos (the company responsible for organizing expoMECÂNICA) said: “We have been following the situation from the beginning (…) even realizing the impact that the theme is having in many events across Europe (… ) we decided it was better to reschedule the fair”.

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Scheduled now for the June 5th to 7th , the 7th edition of expoMECÂNICA will be the biggest ever. In total, 260 exhibitors should be present, 60 of them from foreign companies from nine different countries: Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, United States of America, Brazil and Japan.

In fact, these numbers were also at the basis of the decision to postpone the fair, with José Manuel Costa saying: “to have a calm fair, full of activity and business, without any specter to hover and with a visitor rate on the path of the latest editions, we decided to postpone it two months, after consulting with our customers, associative partners and media partners”.

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