Rumors: Mazda RX-9 with 450hp and turbo


The future Mazda RX-9 could be the scene of a dream wedding: Wankel engine with turbo. An alliance that could give birth to 450hp of power and a maximum regime touching 9,000 rpm.

Looks like Mazda won't let us down. According to Motoring publication, the Japanese brand is preparing a successor to the historic Mazda RX-7 (the RX-8 is not so memorable, for reasons we all know).

Scheduled for launch in 2017, the Mazda RX-9 will arrive just in time to celebrate 50 years of Mazda's first Wankel engine, launched with the Cosmo model in 1967.

SEE ALSO: The world is a better place thanks to this «monstrous» 12-rotor Wankel engine


This is where the story starts to get interesting. Mazda was considering launching this new generation of the Wankel engine without using a turbo, with a power of around 300hp. But it seems the marketing department told management something like, “No way, this isn't exciting enough or potent enough. Call the engineering guys and settle the matter. The 50th birthday celebration should be exciting.” We're not sure if the words were these, but let's assume it was, okay?

ALSO READ: All Wankel Engine Secrets in our Autopedia

And so, the answer from Mazda's R&D department came in the form of five letters: T-U-R-B-O. If the rumors are confirmed and the Wankel Turbo engine moves forward, the next Mazda RX-9 will then have a power of approximately 450hp and a maximum rev range approaching 9,000 rpm. With this power, the Porsche 911 take care…


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