Nordkapp. We went to the northernmost road in Europe


Somewhere in northern Europe, and north of Norway, there is a small village. Nordkapp is your name. Land of fishermen, of landscapes in a white that almost hurts the eyes, and also of the famous atmospheric phenomenon, Aurora Borealis.

A phenomenon that paints the black sky of the North in shades of green, in a ballet of lights caused by the impact of the solar wind with the Earth's high atmosphere. For the rest, a nocturnal "black and green" contrasts with the daytime "blue and white".

Nordkapp is also the northernmost point in Europe that you can reach by car.

MAzda Epic Drive — CX-5 in a row
More than 20 cars, in a night section with the objective of going to see the Northern Lights.

It was precisely Nordkapp, the starting point chosen for an epic road trip: the Mazda Epic Drive . An annual event, where Mazda shares its vision of driving with a limited number of guests.

At a time when autonomous driving is the order of the day, Mazda is once again professing its faith in the importance of driving. We too, for more than 800 km of intensive driving.

Mazda Epic Drive — CX-5 on snowy shore road
The beautiful landscapes that accompanied us.

But as we'll see in this video, driving is much more than connecting “point A” to “point B”. This Mazda Epic Drive was about much more than that.

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As I once wrote, driving is really the best medicine. A chronicle with more than two years, which, by chance and by fate, also took place at the wheel of a Mazda.

a chronicle bitch, published late in the morning, which is above all an outburst about the pleasure of driving and about a handful of banalities.

Since writing these lines, a lot has changed for the (much) better. But there are things that don't change. One of them is the pleasure of driving. And thankfully!

Guilherme Costa at the northernmost point of Europe
Your scribe at the northernmost point. Unfortunately, no Aurora Borealis in sight.

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