Bentley's Burial Was Organ Donation Advertising Campaign | FROG


Francisco Scarpa Filho has been one of the most battered men on the Internet over the past week, after announcing that he would bury his Bentley Flying Spur.

When we published this week the news that “Count” Chiquinho Scarpa was going to bury his Bentley, in an imitation of ancient pharaonic practices, we soon received dozens of negative comments. But what no one knew was that this was Chiquinho Scarpa's goal – to provoke the public and attract them to a cause nobler than an eccentric burial.

the day of the burial

Little Scarpa Bentley 1

On the agreed day, Friday, September 20th at 11:00 am, Brazilian journalists attended the “Count's” house to witness the funeral of a Bentley Flying Spur, a young man with a V12 heart and 600 horsepower. It was a sad time, at the Bentley factory the engineers and directors must have been crazy, what a sad day for the automotive world.

When Bentley was already in the grave and before the gravedigger bury him for eternity, behold, “Count” Chiquinho interrupts the ceremony and asks the journalists to accompany him to his house. Inside, there was a room decorated with posters where you could read: “It's absurd to bury something more valuable than your Bentley. Your organs"

Chiquinho Scarpa Bentley

The playboy, Chiquinho Scarpa, told about 40 journalists in the room that the Bentley was money, he couldn't bury him and declared that: “I was criticized for burying my Bentley. But there are people who bury hearts, kidneys, livers, which are much more precious. Let your families know you are a donor.” The event's advisors applauded the success of the initiative, faced with the silence and incredulous gaze of journalists.

Chiquinho Scarpa and Band presenters

What do you think of this advertising ploy? Were some of those who posted negative comments? Go through our social networks or comments system and leave your opinion!

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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