Range Rover. Two hyper-luxury doors and new family of estradistas in the equation


Synonymous with excellence, luxury, but also efficiency among all-terrain vehicles, the Range Rover range may soon gain new elements: a hyper-luxury two-door variant, in addition to a new model family, specially designed for tar. Projects that are currently being analyzed by the statutory British car manufacturer.

Regarding the two-door proposal, the hypothesis has already been accepted by Land Rover's head of design, the Brit Jerry McGovern. That, in statements to the Australian website Motoring, he acknowledged that "the gap exists, for which, although I still cannot say how or when, the opportunity is there".

“We have already proved, several times, with the Range Rover, that there are spaces to be filled with derivatives of those that are the current models, and whose launch will allow us to offer something truly new to the market”

Gerry McGovern, Land Rover's Head of Design

Moreover, the British brand will have patented, this year, the designation Stormer, which was used for the first time, in a muscular two-door prototype, made known at the 2004 Detroit Motor Show. the Range Rover Sport, launched on the market at the end of that same year.

Land Rover Stormer Concept 2004
Land Rover Stormer gave rise to the current Range Rover Sport… but without the vertical opening doors

On the other hand, it is important not to forget that, despite the dimensions and off-road vocation of its models, Land Rover already has a whole past in two-door vehicles. Starting from the outset with the original Range Rover, conceived precisely as a two-door, followed by the limited-edition Range Rover CSK — a tribute to Charles Spencer King, the designer who created the first generation. Currently, the brand sells not only a two-door version of the Evoque, but also the Convertible variant.

In statements to the Australian website, McGovern also lets slip the possibility that the special vehicles division, Special Vehicles Operations (SVO), will participate in the creation of this new proposal. From the outset and as he explains, “because SVO is a business that supports itself, allowing us to think about a proposal of not many units, for example, a limited edition, instead of a new model with a large volume. And that, of course, it will pay for itself more easily”.

Road Rover, the Range Rover for asphalt

However, the possible novelties in Land Rover are not limited to this hyper-luxury two-door, also covering a new line of models with a more stradistant vocation. Proposals that, reveals the British Autocar, will adopt the name of Road Rover.

2017 Range Rover Velar
The Velar was one of the Range Rovers that regained its historic name within the British brand

Also according to the same publication, this new range of models, which the British brand plans to make known in 2019, should start with a proposal capable of rivaling the Mercedes-Benz S-Class, in terms of positioning, luxury and work handcrafted. While still retaining some off-road capability.

This first model, which should come with an electric propulsion system, could be presented at the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show, with sales starting shortly thereafter. The model will focus mainly on markets such as the American California or the more distant China, which, by virtue of regulations, force the sale of electric vehicles by manufacturers.

Remember that, like the Velar name, the Road Rover name also has a tradition in Land Rover. Since it was used, in the 50s of the last century, to name a prototype that intended to make the transition between Rover passenger vehicles and the original Land Rover. And which was eventually recovered in the following decade, in the form of a three-door van, also serving as the basis for the prototype that would eventually be the origin of the first Range Rover.

Road Rover 1960
Here's the Road Rover van, which would eventually serve as the basis for the original Range Rover

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