What does a 32 thousand euros simulator look like? This one...


A good sports car or a high-end simulator? With 32,000 euros there is no lack of options.

If you were born in the 80's or 90's, you certainly remembered that with 75 contos (the equivalent of 375 euros if my memory serves me) you would buy the best “driving simulator” on the market and the best hardware available (console and steering wheel). And I'm not talking about Sega Saturn and Sega Rally, I'm really talking about Gran Turismo and Playstation (yes, I also belong to the club that made the mistake of buying Saturn and then had to convince their parents that it wasn't after all. well that one…).

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Today, times have changed and simulators effectively… simulate! The problem is that this immersive experience now costs a kite of dough. Forget the 375 euros, today the "joke" can cost 32,000 euros - or even more. The appearance of a simulator of that value is this:

Starting with the screens, we are talking about three 65-inch OLED monitors. The computer is another «machine»! It uses three GTX Titan graphics cards. As for the quality of the driving peripherals, nothing was left to chance: steering wheel from Fanatec, fully adjustable pedals and bacquet from RSeat. In other words, the equivalent of a good second-hand sports car.

PS: Yes, the man with the big beard who appears in the video doesn't understand at all about driving simulators… colored lines in the tracing? Seriously?!

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