Lagonda Vision Concept. This is Aston Martin's vision of luxury… for 2021


Study that should give rise to the first model of what Aston Martin describes as "the first luxury brand in the world, exclusively powered by zero emission engines", the Lagonda Vision Concept announces the new design language, which can be admired in a new production model, to be born on the production line in Gaydon, as early as 2021.

British brand design director Marek Reichmann and his team worked together with designer David Linley to build a lounge-style interior, featuring authentic armchairs, with the designer stressing that the concept was designed from the inside out, due to also the freedom provided by the fact that it is an electric vehicle.

(…) the batteries are arranged under the floor of the car, (with) everything above that line being the result of the creativity of the team that designed the interior

Lagonda Vision Concept

Hinged doors for easy access to the lounge

In fact, among the curious and distinctive details in this concept are the hinged doors that open both outwards and upwards, taking with them a section of the roof, as a way of facilitating both access and exit from the cabin. The armchairs, on the other hand, appear mounted on side arms, so as not to interfere with the interior space.

As for the steering wheel, a solution that the prototype does not do without, it can be moved, either to the left or to the right of the dashboard, or even be fully retracted, with the car thus entering autonomous driving mode.

About the propulsion system, about which little is known, Aston Martin reveals only that the Lagonda Vision Concept uses solid-state batteries, with an autonomy of 644 km between shipments.

Aston Lagonda Vision

Lagonda Vision

Lagonda "will challenge the current way of thinking"

Despite this technological advance without real application, Aston Martin does not fail to guarantee that the Lagonda Vision Concept will give rise to a real car, capable of challenging the traditional way things are done today.

“We believe that luxury car customers like to maintain a certain traditionalism in their approach, not least because that is how they have been offered the products”, comments Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer. For those who “Lagonda exists to challenge this way of thinking and prove that the modern and the luxurious are not mutually exclusive concepts”.

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