Bugatti. Telemetry lets you know in Molsheim about a flat tire in Doha


Technology used in Formula 1 or DTM, telemetry monitored remotely and in real time is now also available in models for everyday use, albeit in a hyper-exclusive manufacturer such as Bugatti.

Described as a fundamental tool in the development of the Chiron, this after Bugatti was already the first manufacturer to apply it in a passenger car, the Veyron 16.4, telemetry also serves to perform diagnostics, in real time and remotely, to vehicles in other parts of the world.

Once the information has been collected, it can then be used to help one of the three Bugatti “Flying Doctors”, who are permanently on standby and ready to fly to any location, to solve any problems that may arise. to find, in the destination countries.

Bugatti Flying Doctor 2018

However, in order to benefit from this service, customers must give their express consent for their data to be monitored and collected.

“This is a highly personalized concierge service, the kind you only find in luxury hotels”, comments Bugatti's sales and operations director, Hendrik Malinowski, adding that, “with our telemetry system, we can provide all the services. type of technical assistance, to our customers. Either at any time of day, as and if necessary, even at night”.

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