Devel Sixteen. Is this where the "thing" will walk?


First made known in 2013, then still only in static form, Dubai-born supercar Devel Sixteen is back! This time, in the form of a prototype, already equipped with an engine. Which, guarantees the manufacturer, will even have the potency initially announced: nothing more, no less than 5000 hp!

As announced by Road & Track, the presentation of the concept is now scheduled for the next 14th of November. A time when not only the lines of the supersports future will be made known, but also the engine that will be at its base: the already promised 12.3 liter quadriturbo V16, announcing a maximum power in the order of 5000 hp!

Devel Sixteen. Is this where the

Devel Sixteen – Arabic by birth, Italian by manufacture

Also according to information disclosed by the manufacturer itself, the project will be developed in collaboration with the Italian Manifattura Automobili Torino. The same company that is responsible for producing, among others, the Glickenhaus SCG 003 and the Apollo Intensa Emozione.

Moreover, together with the disclosure of a video of the car and the engine that will equip it, the brand also guarantees, no less surprising, that the Devel Sixteen “will be an easy car to use on a daily basis, with all the refinements expected in this type of vehicle”. And, it should be noted, with the V16 promising speeds of around 500 km/h!

As a matter of fact, and also about the engine, it should be noted that it will be built by the North Americans from Steve Morris Engines, having been designed specifically for American dragster racing.

Devel Sixteen

Dubai Salon Presentation

Surprised, but also with many expectations, we can only wait for the 14th of November, when the Dubai Motor Show opens its doors. A moment when it will be possible to see more of what Devel men have achieved in the last four years, since the first presentation of the model. Or, if nothing else, to try to understand how much of everything that the manufacturer advertises can, in fact, turn out to be real...

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