Adrenaline injection. Over 225 hp for the MX-5 NC, courtesy of BBR


The Mazda MX-5 NC, the third generation of the Japanese roadster, may be the least loved of the MX-5, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have the potential to be a compact, but very vibrant and sporty fun. That's what Brits at the BBR GTi should think, as their latest addition is the BBR MX-5 NC Super 225 , based on NC.

The name suggests what to expect from BBR's new proposal. Living up to the name, 224 bhp (227 hp) are now extracted from the 2.0 l block (MZR LF-VE) that equipped the third generation of the MX-5 — an expressive leap from the original 160 hp.

More surprising becomes the power jump when we see that no supercharging was used to achieve it — it's still an atmospheric engine.

BBR MX-5 NC Super 225

How did they manage to extract another 67 hp from the same block?

Extracting more power from an atmospheric engine is not as easy as a turbo engine. To achieve this expressive leap in equines into the atmospheric block, BBR focused on inlet four in-line cylinders.

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BBR installed four independent inlet throttle bodies—one per cylinder—with four attractive 45mm diameter metal inlet trumpets and a much less restrictive air filter. Also the camshafts — intake and exhaust — were lightened and the crossing of valves is greater. The exhaust system is now stainless steel, culminating in 3.5″ tailpipes engraved with the BBR GTi symbol.

Despite retaining Denso's standard electronic management, this has been modified to be compatible with the changes made, especially when referring to the installation of individual throttle bodies.

The result of these changes and tweaks are 227 hp at 7550 rpm (160 hp at 6800 rpm as standard), with torque also jumping to the 236 Nm at 5950 rpm (188 Nm at factory 5000 rpm) — at least 230 Nm is always available between 4000 and 6000 rpm. But best of all? The sound (!) is much sharper and more addictive. Confirm for yourself:

How much does it cost?

Conversion from MX-5 NC to BBR MX-5 NC Super 225 costs £4295 in the UK, equivalent to approximately €4750. However, if you want to make the conversion yourself, the cost of the pack is 3,495 pounds, the equivalent of just over 3860 euros.

As the Super 225 is based on the previous Super 200, for those who want to make the leap of 25 hp the bill will be 2495 pounds, approximately 2760 euros, including installation.

The MX-5 never stood out for its performance, with the focus being mainly on its handling and dynamics, but we have to admit that a little more power never hurt anyone — we even started to see the NC with different eyes…

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