Cold Start. From a 3-cylinder engine was born the V12 of the Aston Martin Valkyrie


It was Cosworth who conceived it , and now, through Bruce Wood (director) in statements to Henry Catchpole of Carfection, revealed the most “humble” origins of the V12 epic.

It would take 12-13 months to get a functional unit, far too long to know if they could prove to themselves that they could fulfill such a challenging and conflicting specification — not just achieve a high specific power for an HL (over 150 hp/l) and simultaneously comply with emission regulations.

To reduce this time the solution was to start by making a smaller engine — took an (existing) four-cylinder block to which they fitted a three-cylinder head, an exact replica of three of the cylinders in the Valkyrie's engine.

From the beginning we had a three-cylinder engine (…), (this) because we have four catalysts, where each catalyst serves three cylinders, so using a three-cylinder engine we were able to replicate all the parts of a genuine quarter of the final product.

Result? 5-6 months were enough to have a functional unit, proving that it was possible to meet the performance and emissions targets.

In other words, there is at Cosworth a three-cylinder NA, with just over 1600 cm3 delivering 253 hp at over 10,000 rpm — I want, I need this engine...

About the “Cold Start”. From Monday to Friday at Razão Automóvel, there is a “Cold Start” at 8:30 am. While you drink your coffee or gather the courage to start the day, keep up to date with interesting facts, historical facts and relevant videos from the automotive world. All in less than 200 words.

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