For plug-in hybrids only. BMW eDrive Zones reach yet another Portuguese town and city


Developed in Portugal by Critical TechWorks since 2019, in coordination with the BMW team, the “BMW eDriveZones” technology is gradually spreading across our country.

After initially being only available in the cities of Lisbon, Porto and Braga, this technology has now reached the towns of Oeiras and Matosinhos.

Its operation remains unchanged: when plug-in hybrid BMW models equipped with this technology enter low-emission urban areas they automatically switch to 100% electric mode.

BMW eDrive Zones

The objective of this technology is very simple: to lower emission levels in urban areas, helping to improve air quality within cities.

About the “BMW eDriveZones”, Massimo Senatore, general director of BMW Portugal said: “BMW wants to be part of the path of change and BMW eDriveZones is another step in our strategy to promote a more sustainable and ecological mobility choice .”

The system is available on all BMW plug-in hybrids with operating system 7.0 or higher.

“BMW eDriveZones” is now available in 138 European cities and locations. In addition to Portugal, it is already available, among others, in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Denmark.

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