This app by Hyundai and Kia controls (almost) everything in an electric


It's no surprise that cars and smartphones are increasingly inseparable from each other. Proof of this is the performance control application or app that the Hyundai Motor Group (to which Hyundai and Kia belong) presented and which is intended to control various performance parameters of electric cars.

In all, the app developed by the “mother company” of Hyundai and Kia allows you to control seven parameters of an electric car via your smartphone. These include the maximum torque value available, acceleration and deceleration capability, regenerative braking, maximum allowable speed, or climate control energy use.

In addition to these customization options, the performance control app also allows you to apply the parameters used by a driver's profile in various electric models, simply downloading the profile.

Hyundai/Kia app
The app developed by Hyundai Motor Group allows to control a total of seven parameters of the car through the smartphone.

Shared but secure profiles

According to the Hyundai Motor Group, drivers will have the chance to share their parameters with other drivers, try out the parameters of another profile and even try parameters pre-set by the brand itself that are based on the type of road traveled.

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Despite the possibility of sharing the parameters used by each profile, Hyundai Motor Group ensures that the security of each profile is guaranteed through blockchain technology. According to the South Korean group, the application of this technology is only possible thanks to the great versatility of the electric models.

Hyundai/Kia app
The app lets you apply the same parameters to different cars.

Able to adjust the various parameters according to the chosen destination and the electrical energy needed to reach it, the performance control app also allows the possibility of offering a sportier driving experience. Although the Hyundai Motor Group says it plans to implement this technology in future Hyundai and Kia, it is unclear which will be the first model to receive it.

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