After all, it won't happen. Volkswagen keeps its name in the US


Apparently, this year Volkswagen decided to get ahead of the day of lies (April 1st). After all, the name change to voltswagen in the US it was nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Despite having released a press release (now deleted) in which it confirmed this change, three sources told Reuters: "It was a marketing stunt designed to draw attention to the company's electrical plans."

As for The Wall Street Journal, a source from the German brand revealed that it was a joke, stating “We didn't want to deceive anyone. It was just a marketing action to make people talk about ID.4“.

Volkswagen ID.4
Apparently, Volkswagen's “name change” in the US was intended to draw attention to the new ID.4.

An elaborate "joke"

Although Volkswagen now claims that the supposed name change was just a marketing ploy, the truth is that this “joke” was quite elaborate.

In addition to the statement, in the meantime erased, by statements from the CEO of Volkswagen of America, the German brand even created an official Twitter page with the name… Voltswagen.

In this one, the last publication dates from March 29th and, as expected, promotes the new ID.4. In any case, the marketing ploy seems to have worked… in part. In the last two days there has been more talk about changing the brand name than about the electric models that the German brand wanted to promote.

Sources: Reuters, The Wall Street Journal.

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