We are in crisis, but the Renault Zoe is breaking sales records


Although the effects of the covid-19 pandemic led to a drop in sales for the Renault Group in the first half, the Renault Zoe it is totally in counter-cycle.

In a global market that fell by 28.3% in the first half of the year, the Renault Group also saw its sales drop by 34.9%, accumulating 1 256 658 units sold, considerably less than the 1 931 052 vehicles sold in the same period. in 2019.

In Europe the drop was even more expressive, 48.1% (with 623 854 units sold), in China 20.8%, in Brazil 39% and in India an impressive 49.4%. Even so, in June, with the reopening of the stands in Europe, the Renault Group has already seen a recovery.

We are in crisis, but the Renault Zoe is breaking sales records 1348_1

Renault reached 10.5% market share and Dacia achieved 3.5% market share in the European market.

Renault Zoe, the record holder

In the midst of so many negative numbers, there is a model within the Renault Group that seems indifferent to the crisis facing the automotive sector: the Renault Zoe.

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With sales growth of around 50% in the first six months of 2020, the Renault Zoe is not only the best-selling electric car in Europe, it has also broken all records.

Benefiting not only from the high incentives for the purchase of trams that were reinforced in several European countries to respond to the crisis — in France, its domestic market, eight billion euros were “injected” into the automobile sector —, but also from the beginning of the year in which it had a blazing commercial performance, Zoe had a total of 37 540 units sold in the first half of the year, 50% more than in the same period in 2019.

A value that is not far from that achieved in the entire year of 2019 (45 129 units) and practically equaling the total numbers of 2018 (37 782 units).

Renault Zoe

The Renault Zoe set sales records in 2020.

These numbers become even more impressive when we take into account that 11,000 Renault Zoe units were sold in June alone — “blame” on strong incentives — a new sales record for the electric utility vehicle from the Gallic brand.

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