Driving education. Do you already know the new rules?


In an Order published yesterday in Diário da República, the Government came to define a series of new rules to be applied to driving education in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

From distance measures in code exams and driving lessons, to limitations on the number of people in the training car, a lot will change in driving education.

Thus, it became mandatory to ensure a physical distance of at least two meters in training rooms and examination spaces.

It is also mandatory to ensure the recommended physical distance between the worker who is attending and the public (if this is not possible, the installation of partitions is mandatory).

New rules also in classes and driving

In addition, only up to three people can be in the instruction car during classes and four during exams.

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The Dispatch also mentions that one should choose to open the car windows. On the other hand, if the ventilation system is used, it must be placed in the extraction mode and not the air recirculation mode.

In the teaching of motorcycle driving, in the communication equipment, personal earphones must be used, and they cannot be shared.

Driving school

In Lisbon the rules are even tighter

Applicable to the entire national territory, these rules for driving education have an exception in the case of locations in situations of disaster or contingency.

The rule that says “Only up to three people can be inside the vehicle in practical teaching/training and up to four people in practical tests” is changed in localities in a state of calamity and/or contingency.

The following standard is now applied: "only one candidate and the instructor/trainer may be inside the vehicle, in practical education/training, and in the case of practical tests, a candidate for driver, the examiner and the instructor in the rear" .

If you want to read the entire Dispatch, you can do so here.

Sources: Dispatch no. 7254-A/2020, Correio da Manhã.

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