Toyota Prius against Brabus G500 4×4². Who win?


Saturday June 3rd in London, UK. An ostentatious accident between a Toyota Prius, at UBER service and a Brabus G500 4×4², an altered version of the all-powerful Mercedes-Benz G500 4×4², ended with the latter overturned.

According to witnesses at the scene, the G500 ran a red light, with the Toyota Prius failing to avoid the collision on the side of the huge all-terrain. Fortunately, there were no serious consequences for any of the drivers – both came out of the clash unscathed.

The short shared film reveals only the end of the clash, where the G500 4×4² is already overturned. We can see substantial damage to the front, roof and A-pillars – which now have a pronounced angle – as well as having caused damage to a bus stop.

The video we left at the end also reveals the state of the Toyota Prius, which has substantial damage at the front, but still seems to have been in better condition than the Brabus G500 4×4².

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