This precision technology from Bosch has a Portuguese contribution


Only through the combination of intelligent hardware, software and services will it be possible for autonomous driving to become a reality. Who says it is the Bosch , who is working in the three elements at the same time.

The statement was made by Dirk Hoheisel, a member of the company's board of directors, who stated that “Services are at least as important to autonomous driving as hardware and software. We are working on all three topics simultaneously”.

Thus, Bosch offers a system that allows the vehicle to know its position to the centimeter. This tracking system combines software, hardware and associated services, and accurately determines the vehicle's position.

The Portuguese Contribution

The Portuguese contribution to the future of autonomous driving comes in the area of ​​hardware. Since 2015, around 25 engineers from the Bosch Technology and Development center in Braga are responsible for developing the new sensors used by Bosch to determine the vehicle's positioning.

"The vehicle's motion and positioning sensor will allow the autonomous car to know where it is, anytime and anywhere, with much greater accuracy than existing navigation systems."

Hernâni Correia, Team Leader of the project in Portugal

At the software level, Bosch has developed a set of intelligent algorithms that process the data collected by the motion sensor and which make it possible for the motion and position sensor to continue to determine the vehicle's position even when the satellite link is lost.

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In terms of services, the German company is betting on Bosch Road Signature, a location service based on maps created using proximity sensors installed in vehicles. The Bosch Road Signature is associated with a location system based on vehicle motion and positioning sensors.

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