Virtual Display. The sun visor for the 21st century from Bosch


Virtually unchanged since the car's appearance, the sun visor is probably one of the simplest elements of a modern car's interior, its only technological concession being a simple courtesy light. However, Bosch wants to change that and bets on Virtual Visor to do so.

The objective behind the creation of the Virtual Visor was simple: use technology to eliminate one of the main drawbacks of “old ladies” sun visors: the fact that they block a considerable part of the driver's field of vision while trying to fulfill their function .

How it works?

Created using a transparent LCD panel, the Virtual Visor has a camera that monitors the driver's face and uses artificial intelligence to detect exactly where the sun is shining on the driver's face.

Virtual Display

There, an algorithm analyzes the driver's field of vision and uses liquid crystal technology to darken the visor section that blocks sunlight while keeping the rest of the visor transparent.

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The idea for Virtual Visor was born out of an internal innovation initiative at Bosch that led three of its engineers to reinvent one of the simplest accessories in the automotive world, starting with an LCD screen that was ready to be recycled.

Virtual Display
According to Bosch, the shadow created by this sun visor on the driver's face is similar to that caused by sunglasses.

Despite having already won the “CES Best of Innovation” award at CES 2020, for now it is not known when we will find the Virtual Visor in a production model. For now, Bosch is limited to stating that it is in talks with several manufacturers, not putting forward a date for the launch of the innovative sunshade.

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