C1 Learn & Drive Trophy went to the Algarve and brought a record number of entries


After an eventful debut in Braga, the C1 Learn & Drive Trophy traveled to the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve for a double journey in which the record for entries was broken and in which the Razão Automóvel/Escape Livre team was also present.

The first race, held on Saturday, started at 2:44 pm and had more than 40 cars starting. As for the victory, it smiled at the number 81 car of the Gianfranco Motorsport team with the drivers Rodrigues/Brandão/Hernandez/Benito Dieguez/Maia in the PRO-AM category, who had already achieved pole position.

In second place was the quartet Mayer Gaspar/Pires/Pereira/Lopes with the C1 of the G Tech team (first in the PRO category) which they recovered from fifth place on the grid. Finally, the winners of the AM category were Castanheira/Camelo/Sparrow, from the C1 Racing Team with No. 41, who crossed the finish line in seventh place overall.

C1 Trophy
Competitors were not lacking in the double journey played in the Algarve.

As for our Saturday race, we advise you to wait for our video where you will be able to follow all the adventures and challenges that we had to face throughout the 6 hours of the race. As for the final ranking, you can find out about it at this link.

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Um dia difícil em Portimão. Arrancámos em P6 e subimos até P3, mas um problema na coluna de direção obrigou-nos a ficar na box mais tempo do que o previsto. Sofremos ainda algumas penalizações por erros cometidos. Como se tudo isto não fosse suficiente, na última volta, o nosso C1 ficou na pista, a algumas curvas da reta da meta. Amanhã é um novo dia, partimos em P6 para a Corrida 2 e a nossa equipa está a trabalhar no carro neste momento. As corridas são decididas nos detalhes e o que correu mal neste dia, certamente não se repetirá amanhã. Em 6 horas de corrida tudo pode acontecer, é isto que torna uma resistência numa prova fantástica. O @trofeuc1 está de volta ao traçado de Portimão amanhã às 8h30, com mais de 40 fantásticas equipas a alinhar. Boa sorte a todos! Obrigado @oneportuguesephotographer pelo registo fotográfico ? @escapelivremagazine #race #racing #trofeuc1 #escapelivre #razaoautomovel #portugal

Uma publicação partilhada por Razão Automóvel (@razaoautomovel) a

new test, same winner

In the Sunday race, despite having lined up around 50 Citroën C1 , in the end, victory came back to smile at the C1 No. 81 of the Gianfranco Motorsport team with the drivers Rodrigues/Brandão/Hernandez/Benito Diéguez/Maia (who also won the PRO-AM category), leading 55 laps in a total of 122.

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C1 Trophy

The second place went to the Auto Paraíso da Foz de Martinho/Rodrigues/Carneiro team, who climbed from 9th place on the starting grid. Finally, the VLB Racing team from Teixeira/Oliveira/Xavier/Delgado came in third. As for the final classification, you can find out about it here.

As in the general category, also in the AM category the winners were the same as on Saturday, with Castanheira/Camelo/Pardal, from the C1 Racing Team team, winning in the category. As for us, Sunday's race went better, much better, than Saturday's, as you'll see in our video — it's coming soon…

It is immensely proud to see almost 50 cars lined up on the grid and that, although there is competition between them all, the drivers also have fun on the track

André Marques, responsible for the organization

At the end of an intense weekend, André Marques, responsible for the organization, did not fail to emphasize “the evolution of behavior and the better interpretation of the rules by the teams, so today there have been fewer penalties”.

After the Algarve race, the little C1's will return to the tracks at the Estoril Autodrome on the next 1st of September for the last race of the first edition of the popular C1 Learn & Drive Trophy.

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