Nissan. B2V technology connects your brain to the car


Looking to redefine what the automobile of the future will be, or the future of the automobile, Nissan has just announced, for the next edition of the most important technology fair held in the American continent, the Consumer Electronics Show 2018, a new technology, which aims to make the relationship between the driver's brain and the car direct. Your name? “Brain-to-Vehicle”, or B2V.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle 2017

Looking, in a way, to reformulate the way in which Man relates to the Machine, this at a time when 100% autonomous cars are already appearing on the horizon, in which the human being appears, often, referred to the mere figure of a passenger , this new technological approach works through the use of a kind of helmet, which the driver puts on his head. And that, in turn, reads the neurological signals, related to driving, coming directly from the brain.

Nissan B2V: Anticipate, Detect and Act

Based on the principles of Anticipation and Detection, the technology is thus able to anticipate a physical reaction on the part of the driver, even before it starts. Including, making the driving aids themselves, necessary in a given situation, can be reaped sooner. As Danielle Schillaci, head of global sales and marketing at Nissan Motor Co., says:

“Most people, when they think of autonomous driving, describe a very impersonal vision of the future, where humans simply hand over control to machines. However, with the B2V technology, what happens is exactly the opposite, as human brain signals are used to make driving even more exciting and enjoyable"

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle 2017

B2V technology can even work as a relaxing

According to Dr. Lucian Gheorghe, senior researcher at the Nissan Research Center in Japan, B2V technology can even use augmented reality as a way to reproduce what the driver sees. Thus helping to create a more relaxing environment on board.

“The application potential of this technology is incredible! This research will act as a catalyst, with a view to the application, in the coming years, of many more innovations in Nissan cars”, comments the same researcher.

Nissan Brain-to-Vehicle 2017

Moreover, according to the manufacturer, the application of this technology should allow the vehicle to react to any situation perceived by the driver, around 0.2 to 0.5 seconds faster than the person at the controls.

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