Opel to close a third of dealerships in Europe


According to Automotive News Europe, the Rüsselsheim brand intends to make dealerships that become part of the future network to focus more on sales performance, as well as on customer satisfaction, motivated from the outset by a culture of strongest brand.

“It's about ensuring a greater return to more performance-oriented dealers,” says Peter Kuespert, sales and marketing director at Opel, in statements to Automobilwoche. Adding that the new contracts, to be signed with the concessionaires, will start 2020.

Bonus based on sales and customer satisfaction

According to the same person responsible, the new contracts, "instead of guaranteeing profit margins to concessions based on the fulfillment of certain requirements, will, in the future, result in bonuses, awarded according to the performance obtained, in terms of sales and customer satisfaction”.

Basically, we are offering our dealers with better performances the possibility to generate more profit.

Peter Kuespert, Director of Sales and Marketing at Opel
Opel Flagship Store

Passenger and commercial vehicles will yield the same

On the other hand, the bonus attribution system will also be less complex, with future contracts providing for the same remuneration for both passenger and commercial vehicles.

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“We are relying even more on our salespeople in conducting our commercial offensive. Since we continue to see great potential in this segment, which remains financially attractive”, sentences the same responsible.

Peter Christian Kuespert Sales Director Opel 2018
Peter Kuespert promises a new relationship, more focused on sales and customer satisfaction, between Opel/Vauxhall and its dealers

Final number of concessions yet to be discovered

It should be noted that PSA has not yet released the exact number of dealerships that will be part of the future network of Opel/Vauxhall. There are only statements by the president of Vauxhall, according to which "the needs to move the industry forward, as well as the needs of brands such as Opel and Vauxhall, do not go through a number of dealerships equal to what we currently have" .

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