We already know why the glass broke at Tesla Cybertruck


Its design may be shrouded in controversy and its arrival on the market will only happen at the end of 2021, however, this does not seem to reduce the interest that the Tesla Cybertruck has generated, mainly in light of the number of pick-up pre-bookings revealed by Elon Musk.

The CEO of the American brand resorted to his favorite means of communication (Twitter) and revealed that on November 24th he had already 200,000 Tesla Cybertruck pre-bookings , this after having revealed the day before that 146,000 pre-bookings had already been made.

Speaking of the 146 thousand pre-reservations, of these Elon Musk revealed that only 17% (24 820 units) corresponded to the Single Motor version, the simplest of all.

The remaining percentage is divided between the Dual Motor versions (with 42%, or 61,320 units) and the all-powerful Tri Motor AWD version which, despite only arriving at the end of 2022, counted on November 23 with 41% of the 146,000 pre-reservations, totaling 59,860 units.

Why did the glass break?

It was the most embarrassing moment of Cybertruck's presentation. After the sledgehammer test, which demonstrated how strong Cybertruck's stainless steel body panels were, the next challenge was to demonstrate the strength of the reinforced glass by throwing a steel ball towards it.

It didn't go well, as we know.

The glass shattered, when what should have happened would have been just the rebound of the steel ball. Elon Musk also turned to Twitter to explain why the glass broke the way it did.

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According to Elon Musk, the sledgehammer test broke the base of the glass. This weakened it and was why, when Franz von Holzhuasen, head of design at Tesla, threw the steel ball, the glass broke rather than made it bounce.

Conclusion, the order of the tests should have been inverted, avoiding the breaking of the glass of the Tesla Cybertruck and it would not be one of the most talked about moments of the pick-up's presentation.

In any case, Elon Musk did not want any doubts about the resistance of the glass reinforced with a composite based on polymers and so he turned, of course, to Twitter.

There, he shared the video taken before Tesla Cybertruck's presentation, in which the steel ball is thrown against the Cybertruck glass without it breaking, thus proving its resistance.

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