We drive the Tesla Model S P100D. What shot was that?


It was the first time I tried a Tesla Model S P100D for the Automotive Reason. I had already done it, but not long enough. For that reason (and not only…), it was a long-awaited test.

And that there is no doubt. Tesla has given the world a real lesson in innovation, not just in terms of its vision for the automobile, but above all for the future of mobility. And when I say the whole world, I'm talking about car brands and not just as we'll see later…

Tesla Model S P100D

About the Tesla Model S P100D I think I said pretty much everything in the video. The interior is well built but not at the level of the 152 750 euros (in the P100D version) that Tesla asks for. . It fits the 85 000 euros of the 75D version, but at this level a little more was required.

Still, this value is justified. Even if only because of the possibility of being able to ride every day in a car capable of obliterating 99% of cars in acceleration.

In technological terms it is also surprising. It is surprising not only for its technological capacity in all areas but also for its optimism. The Autopilot system works great, but it's too optimistic when it comes to taking over the Tesla Model S P100D.

Tesla Model S P100D
The screen where I wrote these lines is smaller than Tesla's.

I know we can't take our hands off the wheel, but it's Tesla herself who challenges us to do so. Because it is possible not to touch the steering wheel of the Tesla Model S P100D for long periods of time.

Nothing to say about the capacity of electric motors and battery autonomy. I managed to do more than 400 km without any stress whatsoever and even doing (sometimes…) the taste on the right foot.

I know I know. The hyper-milling fanatics get even higher values ​​than those advertised (613 km NEDC) but I practiced a normal driving.

In terms of acceleration, my reaction says it all. It's ABSURD! It reminded me of a Brazilian song of debatable taste that went viral on YouTube. What shot was that? From absolute peace on board to dizzying acceleration in no time!

tesla model S P100D
The moment we confirm that we want maximum power.

Tesla Model S P100D Achilles Heel? Without a doubt the chassis. In terms of comfort it is competent but in dynamic terms it shows the natural limitations of a project that dates back to the beginning of this decade.

A holistic view of mobility

When I wrote earlier that Tesla taught the world a lesson in innovation, it wasn't just talking about the automobile industry. I speak of everything.

With Tesla's network of superchargers, Elon Musk showed us that even in areas where it seems that only the initiative led by public entities can provide an answer, the private sector can have a say.

tesla chargers
A private network that works and continues to grow.

The effectiveness of the solutions advocated by Tesla contrasts with the inefficiency of MOBI.E. In addition to the chargers not working, they are obsolete and even more serious than that, as they offer electricity, they do not allow for the construction of a sustainable business model.

The contrast between the effectiveness of the private sector in the face of this leviathan we call the state, in this case, could not be more stark.

So the Tesla Model S P100D might not even be the very good car that it is, Tesla might not even survive its growing pains and go bankrupt tomorrow. None of this would pinch the merits of a brand that came to shake the century-old foundations of the automobile industry.

But enough of the considerations, see the video. And if you want to see everything we've written about Tesla over the past 5 years, click this link.

tesla model s p100d
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