It's not replica. KITT Super Pursuit Mode can be yours


Knight Industries Two Thousand, better known as KITT , was missed and still remains in the imagination of many people, even people who only knew the series Knight Rider, or “O Justiceiro” in Portugal, after it was broadcast, in later releases.

There are many replicas, but for this particular unit, the story is different — this is genuine . It is one of three units built specifically for the series' fourth season, the season where KITT won the Super Pursuit Mode , in other words, the super chase mode — forget about the Sport and Race modes of today's cars, Super Pursuit is much more extreme.

In this mode, the KITT's bodywork underwent a transformation, with the movement of several panels — we assume with aerodynamic functions — and its performance became… ballistic! Okay, the adult in us looks at this transformation and performance with disbelief, but even today, it's impossible not to smile — kids went crazy about it in the '80s...

KITT Super Pursuit Mode

Stay with this tribute to KITT's Super Pursuit Mode:

The three KITT Super Pursuit

The three KITT Super Pursuit Mode units were built by Jay Orberg through Barris Kustoms and only two of them appeared in the series. THE unit no. 1 it was the special effects one, the one where we saw the transformation taking place. The mechanics of the entire process took up so much space that this car had neither an engine nor an interior. For those who remember, when Super Pursuit Mode was activated, the images of the transformation were always close-up and you never saw the car on the road transforming — it's justifiable now why.

THE unit no. 2 it was used for scenes with the car in motion. The bodywork of this unit had the Super Pursuit Mode changes, but these were fixed, except for the rear panels, which are movable, and which acted as aerodynamic brakes.

YEAH!"},{"imageUrl_img":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/kitt_12.jpg","caption":""} ,{"imageUrl_img":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/kitt_9-1440x960.jpg","caption":""},{ "imageUrl_img":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/kitt_11-1440x960.jpg","caption":""},{"imageUrl_img ":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/kitt_4-1440x960.jpg","caption":""},{"imageUrl_img": "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/08\/kitt_6-1440x960.jpg","caption":""}]">
KITT Super Pursuit Mode

Aerodynamic brakes included, the only movable panels of this unit

THE unit no. 3 , which is now up for auction, was the studio's backup unit, in case something happened to #2. It never appeared on screen, but was identical to unit #2. It features the iconic series of red lights on the front, the futuristic interior and, according to the advertiser, electronics can be added for more in-car functionality.

Everything points out that unit no. 3 is the last surviving one, believing that the other two no longer exist.

For the fan and/or collector, without a doubt a unique opportunity. The auction, organized by the Volo Auto Museum, located in the state of Illinois, USA, will take place on September 19 , without reservation, estimating that the value of this KITT Super Pursuit Mode is between 35 thousand and 40 thousand dollars (30,000 – 34 200 euros).

KITT Super Pursuit Mode

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