3D printing. Mercedes-Benz weapon in the fight against the coronavirus


Like Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz will also use 3D printing to produce medical equipment and individual components needed in medical technology.

The decision was announced in a statement issued by Mercedes-Benz and says that the Stuttgart brand will thus join a fight in which brands such as SEAT, Ford, GM, Tesla and even Ferrari are already participating.

You don't lack experience

Bearing in mind that it already takes about 30 years of experience in researching and applying the production of additives (3D printing), the announcement that Mercedes-Benz will use 3D printing to produce medical equipment is not surprising.

After all, the German brand already uses 3D printing to produce up to 150,000 plastic and metal components annually.

Now, the goal is to apply this ability for medical purposes. According to Mercedes-Benz, all common 3D printing processes can be used in this “battle”.

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What does this mean? Simple. It means that all the methods the builder uses in 3D printing — selective laser synthesizing (SLS), melt deposition modeling (FDM) and selective laser fusion (SLM) — can be used to produce medical equipment.

Mercedes-Benz 3D Printing

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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