Audi CEO held by Munich prosecutor


The news of the arrest of the CEO of Audi was advanced by the news agency Reuters and, meanwhile, has already been confirmed, either by Audi or by the Volkswagen Group.

According to the news agency, the prosecutor's decision to detain Rupert Stadler stems from investigators' fear that Audi's top leader might, if he remains at large, vanish evidence related to the so-called Dieselgate. Rupert Stadler is suspected of fraud and misrepresentation in the Dieselgate case.

The Munich Public Prosecutor's Office had already announced last week that it was investigating a total of 20 suspects in connection with the broadcast scandal. Resulting from the use, between 2009 and 2015, of fraudulent devices, which masked emissions, when in test situations.

The suspect was present to the judge today, being detained, awaiting the enactment of coercive measures.

Communication from the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office

In addition to Rupert Stadler, Audi purchasing chief Bernd Martens will also be among the suspects named by prosecutors, Reuters reveals, based on an unnamed source familiar with the investigation.

Martens led the task force created within Audi, aimed at coordinating the response to the Diesel crisis, together with the parent company, Volkswagen Group.

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