24 Hours TT Frontier Village. The times of the «All-terrain Party»


The 2020 edition was canceled due to the pandemic, but the “24 Horas TT Vila de Fronteira” is back this weekend (26th, 27th and 28th November) and will be accompanied by the “4 Horas SSV Vila de Fronteira” .

In total, more than 300 pilots (of nine different nationalities) will be present at the two races held at Vila de Fronteira's terrodromo, representing 102 teams, with more than 30% of foreign pilots proving that the Alentejo race has long been famous. crossed national borders.

For the “24 Hours TT Vila de Fronteira” alone, 69 training sessions were registered. Among the favorites for this competition, the AC Nissan Proto of the Portuguese-French structure stands out, led by the Andrade family, which won the last two editions and which has seven victories in Fronteira.

24 Hours of Border

Also in the competition for cars, the highlight was the debut of an inclusive team. The team will line up Telmo Pinão (driver), João Luz (navigator) and André Venda (navigator) at the controls of an Astra GTC Buggy, with driving and navigation adapted to the motor deficiencies of the three participants.

In the “4 Horas TT Vila de Fronteira”, a race in which three dozen SSVs will race, we find the names that won the last five editions: Luís Cidade, who won in 2019; João Monteiro, who won in 2018; Ricardo Carvalho, who won in 2016 and 2017; and, finally, António Ferreira, who won in 2015 along with Rui Serpa.

the times

Starting with the 24-hour race times, these are as follows:

November 26 (Friday):

  • 09:30/11:45: Free practice;
  • 14:00/17:00: Timed training (Categories T1 T2, T3 and Promotions E);
  • 15:00/17:00: Timed training for other categories;
  • 17:15/18:30: Free practice in all categories.

November 27 (Saturday):

  • 14:00: Departure.

November 28 (Sunday):

  • 14:00: Arrival.
24 Hours of Border

The timetables for the “4 Hours TT Vila de Fronteira” are as follows:

November 26 (Friday):

  • 11:45 / 13:45: Free and timed practice.

November 27 (Saturday):

  • 8:00 am: Departure;
  • 12:00: Arrival.

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