Yagalet presents the car that makes rivers roads. Aligns?


it's called Yagalet Prototype 2.0 and it is an “invention” of a Russian start-up with the same name — Yagalet. Assuming itself, right from the start, as an amphibious car, capable of circulating on water.

More than the ability to continue the journey in the aquatic element, the Yagalet Prototype 2.0 stands out for the chosen solution, which allows you to transform the sports car, not into a kind of boat, as happens in most amphibious vehicles, but on a hovercraft.

Although the business's viability has yet to be determined, the Russian start-up already has a number of projects up its sleeve: an SUV, an MPV and even… a house! All capable of flying low. Even though it all started with a flying motorcycle prototype, still in 2010.

Questions, too, as to the way the technology works. With the Yagalet only revealing that, once reaching a water surface, the driver only has to activate a lever inside the vehicle, which triggers a flexible "skirt" around the vehicle, which inflates, with the injection of air.

GAZ-16 1960
The 1960s Russian experimental vehicle GAZ-16 was one of the sources of inspiration for Yagalet and its Prototype 2.0

As for how the air is “shot” under the car, what makes it move, or even how to direct it, the start-up doesn't reveal anything. Promising more information on the topic later on, while guaranteeing that, once converted into a hovercraft, the sports car will be able to circulate, both in water and in swamps, thin ice and deep snow. .

In fact, Yagalet is keen to ensure that its solution has more advantages than even the much talked about flying cars today. Highlighting, for example, the fact that and unlike the latter, the Yagalet Prototype 2.0 does not require any special license to be driven, with the exception of the light vehicle required for any car. Or even the possibility of these drivers being able to escape traffic, entering cities through the flow of water.

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But if you're thinking about putting your name on the unit's wish list, once the Yagalet Prototype 2.0 goes into production, we have one more bad news for you: the start-up doesn't advance any date to start the manufacture of this ambitious means of transport — will it ever advance?

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