RADICAL. The mysterious Bugatti of this teaser was captured on video


An “X” back light signature — more like an X-Wing from the Star Wars universe — was what the teaser for a mysterious new Bugatti was.

A few days later, another intriguing teaser with just the reference “0.67” left us even more perplexed — after all what was Bugatti up to? Well, now we know, in part.

Caught on the French circuit of Paul Ricard, the channel G-E SUPERCARS published a video of the mysterious machine scheduled to be revealed on the 28th of October. And it didn't disappoint…

It's perhaps the most radical design we've seen from Bugatti since… ever. It won't be wrong to assume that this is a circuit machine — the aerodynamic apparatus is worthy of a competition car and there is no lack of air inlets and outlets. And the wheels? They are clearly competitive.

The air inlet on the roof and the four exhaust outlets in the center of the “X”, which is its luminous signature at the rear, suggest that this mysterious Bugatti will be combustion and not electric, as has been speculated. It is to be expected that it will resort to the well-known, massive and powerful 8.0 l tetra-turbo W16 that also equips the Chiron, but at the moment there is no certainty of anything.

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After the Divo, a kind of Chiron GT3 RS, this new model seems to elevate its dynamic capabilities in circuit to a completely different level.

Bugatti teaser
What will it mean?

Which also brings us to the intriguing teaser that reveals the numbers “0.67”: what will it mean? Is it the weight/power ratio? If it is, it's truly amazing. Starting from the 1500 hp that the W16 debits the Chiron, that would only mean 1005 kg (!) for this diabolic machine, or about half of a Chiron!

We will have to wait patiently for the revelation of this mysterious Bugatti on October 28th to let you know all the details.

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