New Volvo XC-90 starts to take shape...


After a long and fruitful career spanning nearly a decade, the Volvo XC-90 SUV will finally meet a replacement.

After a few months ago, Volvo lifted the veil on the new Volvo XC-90, now the first technical data are starting to emerge. According to sources at the Swedish brand, the "head of the family" of the acronym "XC" will debut the brand new platform Scalable Plataform Architecture (SPA) - a kind of MQB platform, with a philosophy similar to that found in the Volkswagen group - and that we can find future generations of the S80, S60 and other Volvo derivatives.

Animating the new structure is another first, a four-cylinder engine dubbed the VEA: Volvo Enviromental Arquitecture. A block that promises low consumption and performance consistent with the premium status that the Swedish brand achieves. All indicators that Volvo is on the right path, and that there is a serious commitment by the Chinese of Geely – the holding that owns the brand – to make it grow and prosper. Something the "almighty" Ford never achieved.

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