Audi quattro Experience with Car Ratio


Walking deep in the Estoril circuit, traveling through the plains of Alentejo and admiring the landscapes of the north of the country, leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind. Do you feel good? You'll be able to find all of this and more here at Ledger Automobile over the next few weeks. We already have our bags packed, our schedule organized and our camera ready to record every moment.

Most. This Audi quattro Experience will not end with the trips and adventures we promise to share with you. In this special, we will take the opportunity to revisit the history of the most emblematic models of the German brand and reveal the secrets of the technology that revolutionized industry and motor sport: the quattro system.

And no, we have not forgotten the contents dedicated to the names that wrote the history of this technology, Michel Mouton, Walter Rohrl, Jorg Bensinger, among others… Do you align in this Audi quattro Experience with Reason Automobile? It will be worth it.

Audi Quattro Experience
Audi quattro Experience – Estoril Autodrome
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