Auto Radio #10. MOST DEMANDING car inspection. Do you agree?


In episode #10 of Auto Rádio, the Razão Automóvel podcast, our team — Diogo Teixeira, Fernando Gomes, João Tomé and Guilherme Costa — talks about the dreaded car inspection.

Intended to confirm that our car is still able to circulate, the mandatory periodic inspection (IPO) will become more demanding as of November.

From new deficiencies to increased attention to tampering with miles and enforcing recalls, a lot will change. But does it make sense?

periodic inspection

Auto Radio #10 Structure — More Demanding Auto Inspection

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 02:16 Current events and contents of Ledger Automobile that you can't miss
  • 10:32 More demanding car inspection. Do you agree?
  • 54:17 Endnotes
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