This is the new driving license model. What news does it bring?


There is a new model of driving license that promises an improved and safer design (according to the standards defined at European level), having been presented on January 11th at an event that took place in the premises of the National Press Mint ( INCM).

The new model of driving license began to be produced in mid-January and there are several changes compared to the model used so far.

First, category T (agricultural vehicles) is now included in the new model, and the document's security measures were reinforced:

  • the driver's photo is now duplicated, with the second photo being reduced in size in the lower right corner and its security number;
  • there is now a two-dimensional QR Code bar code in order to allow the reading of existing information in suitable equipment;
  • the security elements are visible to infrared and ultraviolet.
Driving license 2021
Back of the new driving license template

Do I have to exchange my driving license for the new one?

Do not. The driving license we have remains valid until the moment of its renewal or revalidation.

Due to changes in legislation, the expiry date of the driver's license that you can see on your own driver's license may not be the correct one, especially for those who obtained their license before January 2, 2013. To find out when you need to renew your driving license, consult the IMT (Institute for Mobility and Transport) document:

When do I have to renew my driving license?

What do I need to revalidate my driving license?

If it is time to renew or revalidate, the document to be received will already be that of the new model of driving license.

The request for the revalidation of the driving license can be made on IMT Online, at Espaço do Cidadão, or with an IMT partner. If the revalidation is done in person, it is necessary to present:

  • current driving license;
  • identification document with usual residence (eg citizen's card);
  • Tax Identification Number
  • electronic medium certificate, in the following situations:
    • over 60 years old and driver of vehicles belonging to categories AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, BE or agricultural vehicles of categories I, II and III.
    • driver of vehicles of categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D and DE;
    • driver of vehicles in categories B, BE if you are driving ambulances, firefighters, patient transport, school transport, collective transport for children or rental cars for passenger transport.
  • psychological assessment certificate (issued by a psychologist) in situations:
    • driver aged 50 or over driving vehicles in categories C1, C1E, C, CE, D1, D1E, D and DE;
    • driver of vehicles in categories B, BE if you are driving ambulances, firefighters, patient transport, school transport, collective transport for children or rental cars for passenger transport.

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If the revalidation of the driving license is done online, it is necessary to present:

  • tax number and password for the Finance Portal or digital mobile key to register on IMT Online
  • electronic medical certificate (see above in which situations) and/or psychological certificate that will have to be scanned (see above in which situations)

How much does the 2nd copy of the driving license cost?

Ordering the duplicate costs 30 euros for all drivers, except if they are 70 years of age or older, where the cost is 15 euros. If the order is placed through the IMT Online portal, there is a 10% discount.

If I don't revalidate my driving license within the legal deadlines, what happens?

The application for the revalidation of the driving license must be made within six months before the expiry date. If the expiry date is exceeded and we continue to drive, we are committing a road offense.

If we allow more than two years to pass and the revalidation period for up to five years, we will have to take a special exam, consisting of a practical test. If this period exceeds five years and up to a limit of 10 years, we will have to successfully complete a specific training course and take a special exam with a practical test.


A final note for those who saw their driving license expired from March 13, 2020, the date on which extraordinary measures were implemented to combat the pandemic. In accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 87-A/2020, of October 15, the validity of the driving license was extended until March 31, 2021.

Source: IMT.

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