Quarantine. To start or not to start the car every now and then, that's the question


After a few weeks ago we gave you a series of tips on how to prepare your car for quarantine, today we are going to try to answer a question that many have: after all, one should or should not start the engine from time to time without driving the car?

Like everything else in life, this procedure that many of us have probably adopted since the beginning of the period of social isolation has its pros and cons.

It is precisely the purpose of this article, to let you know the pros and cons of starting the engine every now and then.

The pros…

A stationary car breaks down faster than when it's in use, that's what they say, and rightly so. And it is to avoid greater harm that the main argument in favor of starting the engine from time to time is the fact that, by doing so, we are allowing the lubrication of its internal components.

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In addition to this, we also allow the circulation of fuel and coolant through the respective circuits, thus preventing possible obstructions. According to our colleagues at Diariomotor, this procedure should be done once a week or every two weeks , leaving the vehicle engine to run for a period of 10 to 15 minutes.

After starting the vehicle, don't speed it up , so that it quickly reaches normal operating temperature. They will only contribute to premature wear of the engine's internal components, as fluids such as oil take time to reach the right temperature, not being as effective in lubrication as intended. Letting the engine idle without additional effort is sufficient.

Particle filters in diesel engines

All this procedure, although recommended in most cases, can be counterproductive if you have a more recent Diesel car equipped with a particulate filter. These components have… special needs, due to their regeneration or self-cleaning function.

During this process, the trapped particles are incinerated thanks to the increase in the temperature of the exhaust gases, which reach between 650 ºC and 1000 ºC. To reach that temperature, the engine has to run at higher regimes for a certain period of time, something that may not be possible during this quarantine period.

Particles filter

When it is impossible to purposely “walk” the car to the highway — still the best way to regenerate the particle filter when necessary, at just 70 km/h and a 4th speed (it can vary, it is interesting to check, above all, the rotations that should go through 2500 rpm or approx) — the act of starting the engine every now and then (10-15 minutes) in this quarantine period can inadvertently contribute to filter clogging and… unwanted expense.

Even having the opportunity to go by car to the supermarket, trips that are usually short in distance and time — the engine does not even heat up properly —, it does not generate the ideal conditions for the regeneration of the particle filter.

In case it is not even possible to make a “detour” of a few dozen kilometers by motorway, the best solution is to avoid using the car to the fullest until there is an opportunity to make a longer route.

In the event that your car starts the regeneration process even though it is stopped, do not turn it off. It lets you finish the entire process, which can take several minutes, ensuring the good health and longevity of the particle filter.

… and the cons

On the side of the cons, we found a component that will probably give you a lot of headaches at the end of this quarantine: the battery.

As you know, every time we start our car engine we are asking for an instant and extra effort from the battery. In principle, starting the engine every now and then, leaving it to run for 10-15 minutes, should be enough for the battery to replenish its charge. However, there are several factors that could prevent this.

Factors such as the age of the battery, the condition of the alternator, the consumption of your car's electrical systems and even your ignition system (as in the case of Diesels that need more energy when starting), can lead to the battery to discharge completely.

To prevent this from happening, check our article on how to prepare your car for quarantine , where we refer to this question.

battery meme
A famous meme adapted to the topic we are talking about today.

April 16 update: we added specific information for cars with diesel engines with particulate filter, after some questions raised by our readers.

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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