BMW says it has the best Diesels and doesn't want to end them


Although recent times have been difficult for diesel engines, BMW remains confident that the end of these engines is still a long way off. The trust comes from the certainty that the brand has the best diesel engines on the market, at least according to the statements given by Klaus Froehlich, member of the BMW development management, to the Australian magazine GoAuto.

According to Froehlich, the BMW it has the least polluting diesel engines on the market, which it considered to be a good solution in terms of CO2 emissions and from the point of view of consumers. Klaus Froehlich also criticized the stance taken by European politicians and the attacks on this type of motorization.

The BMW executive believes that it will be possible for diesel engines to coexist with gasoline and electric options. However, despite the confidence shown in Diesel engines, the brand assumes that a reduction in the offer of diesel engines in its range will be inevitable.

Smaller Diesel Engines Continue, Larger Ones Soon

But not everything is rosy for BMW Diesels, as if four and six-cylinder diesel engines have a guaranteed future, the same cannot be said for the more powerful and complex engines like the one that equips the BMW M550d xDrive. The 3.0L with four turbos is billed as the most powerful six-cylinder diesel in the auto industry, but Froehlich admitted it will be difficult to make it meet more stringent emissions restrictions.

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The executive of the German brand also mentioned that the small market area where the BMW M550d xDrive is located would hardly justify an increase in investment to ensure that the engine would comply with new restrictions. Klaus Froehlich used as an example the 3.0 liter (which is available in versions with one, two or four turbos) to defend that in the future the brand will probably adopt a simpler solution where the same engine is offered in two power levels without requiring major changes.

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