Saving fuel in times of crisis is what you want


Walking more kilometers on less fuel is what we are proposing this month.

Depression took hold of all those who use the car as a means of transport. Blame it on the price of fuel, which continues to rise. And with that, our patience has also diminished… Perhaps it would not be a bad idea for the petrol stations to provide psychological support to customers who supply more than €20… Here's a suggestion!

But while that doesn't happen, Mais Superior and RazãoAutomó, have some palliatives that can alleviate the headaches and nausea you feel whenever they see the tank's hand falling precipitously towards the void. It is a simple and effective treatment, but it requires some patience. In the end it will be worth it… More deposits left, more money, and more kilometers to cover. Ready to get started?


0.5l/100km of savings

Anticipate braking and "early acceleration"

Did they have physics at school? So they know that to put a body in motion and overcome its inertia, it takes quite a lot of energy. The sooner they anticipate that they will have to brake, the sooner they will take their foot off the gas. We've all seen those drivers who, in traffic, accelerate like crazy, only to have to brake like us, 200m ahead. Result? They use more fuel to stand still, like us, the same time and in the same queue.

0.3l/100km of savings

Check tire pressure

Check the ideal tire pressure regularly. Driving with tires below the pressure indicated by the manufacturer increases the car's consumption and decreases its performance, since the friction generated between the tire surface and the asphalt is greater, so you will need more energy to cover a certain route. Furthermore, it reduces tire life and car safety. Consult your car owner's manual for the right pressure.

0.6l/100km of savings

Use the engine in the ideal rotational regime

Use the gearbox and the rev counter as your ally in the fight against consumption! In gasoline cars, the ideal range for use is between 2000rpm’s and 3300rpm’s. It is in this range of rotations that the ratio between mechanical efficiency and consumption is more favorable to savings. Scaling the rev counter up to the limit won't do you much and can double or triple the vehicle's instantaneous consumption.

0.5l/100km of savings

Do not exceed 110km/h

Did you know that from 60km/h onwards, the friction caused by air displacement is greater than that of tyres? And that from then on, this aerodynamic friction starts to grow exponentially? That's why the greater the speed, the greater the consumption. Try not to exceed 110km/h on the highway, and 90km/h on the national road. They will arrive a few minutes later, but a few “richer” euros.

0.4l/100km of savings

Pay attention to the loads on the accelerator

The way they treat the accelerator is directly proportional to the willingness with which the ill-fated fuel needle goes down. Therefore, the lower the throttle loads, the lower the instantaneous fuel consumption. Be gentle with the pedal and you will have an excellent ally in the fight against waste.

Expected overall savings: 2.5L/100km (+/-)

If you follow all these advices, you will be able to significantly reduce your fuel expenses, while at the same time saving on the mechanical wear of the various components of your car. As a bonus they still help the environment.

Text: Guilherme Ferreira da Costa

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