Questions and answers: driving license for points


On June 1, 2016, the new points driving license takes effect. This article aims to answer the most frequently asked questions.

The new points-based driving license takes effect on the 1st of June and there are still many drivers who have doubts about the new points-based system. To dispel all doubts, we have published a set of questions and answers prepared by the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR).Driving license by points: What is it?

The new point driving license model gives drivers 12 starting points, which will decreasing according to the infractions committed : if the driver makes a serious misdemeanor , is equivalent to a loss of colon ; if very serious , will be subtracted four points to the opening balance. In case of road crime , offenders lose six points.

Anyone who does not commit infractions for three years, earns three points . In the case of professional drivers, the same points will be added over a period of two years. The maximum balance you can get is 15 points.

Do I have to replace my driving license?

No. It will not be necessary to replace any document, nor does it have any additional cost to drivers. Points are subtracted and added by computer.

Do offenses committed before June 1 take away points?

No. Any administrative offense committed before the entry into force of this system will be punished under the previous regime and will not result in the subtraction of points.

When are the stitches removed after committing the infraction?

Points are only subtracted on the final date of the administrative decision or the final decision.

How many stitches are removed in serious administrative offences?

In the event of an administrative offense considered serious, generally, two stitches are removed . Only three points are removed in the following serious administrative offenses:

Driving under the influence of alcohol , with an alcohol level equal to or greater than 0.5 g/l and less than 0.8 g/l or equal to or greater than 0.2 g/l and less than 0.5 g/l when it comes to the driver on a probationary basis ( less than three years of license), driver of emergency or urgent service vehicle, collective transport for children and young people up to 16 years of age, taxi, heavy passenger or goods car or transport of dangerous goods;

Speeding above 20 km/h (motorcycle or light vehicle) or above 10 km/h (other motor vehicle) in coexistence zones;

Overtaking carried out immediately before and at passages marked for crossing pedestrians or bicycles.

How many stitches are removed in very serious administrative offences?

In the event of an administrative offense considered very serious, generally, four stitches are removed . Only five points are removed in the following serious administrative offences:

Driving under the influence of alcohol , with an alcohol level equal to or greater than 0.8g/l and less than 1.2g/l or equal to or greater than 0.5 g/l and less than 1.2 g/l when it concerns a driver on a probationary basis (less of three years of license), driver of emergency or emergency service vehicle, collective transport of children and young people up to 16 years of age, taxi, heavy passenger or goods car or transport of dangerous goods, as well as when the driver is considered influenced by alcohol in a medical report;

– Driving under the influence of psychotropic substances;

Speeding above 40 km/h (motorcycle or light vehicle) or above 20 km/h (other motor vehicle) in coexistence areas.

How many points are taken away for road crime?

In the case of road crime, six points are removed.

What is the maximum number of points that can be taken away if you practice several offenses at the same time?

when practiced various administrative offenses serious and very serious in the same day, are removed in the limit of 6 (six) points. However, if driving under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of psychotropic substances is involved among the convictions for serious or very serious offences, the respective points (3, 5 or 6) are also removed - depending on whether it is serious, very serious or a crime ).

With the point driving license regime, do I also have to hand over the title to comply with the disqualification?

Yes, the presuppositions for determining the measure of the ancillary sanction remain valid.

How can I earn points?

At the end of each three-year period, without serious or very serious administrative offenses or crimes of a traffic nature being committed, the driver is awarded three points, and the limit of 15 points cannot be exceeded.

For each period of revalidation of the driving license, without committing road crimes, and the driver has voluntarily attended a road safety training action, the driver is assigned a point and the limit of 16 points cannot be exceeded. This limit is only applied in situations where points have been awarded as provided for in the previous paragraph, otherwise the maximum limit of 15 points is maintained.

Are the three years, for the purpose of adding points, counted from the date of the last infraction or from the finality of the administrative decision on this?

The three years are counted from the date of finality of the administrative decision or the final judgment of the sentence of the last offense committed (serious or very serious infraction, or road crime).

If you do not commit any infraction, are three points awarded on June 1, 2019?

Yes, up to a maximum balance of 15 points.

I am on the probationary regime (less than three years of letter). What can happen to my driving license if I commit an infringement?

In the case of two serious offenses or one very serious offense, the driving license is cancelled.

I have 4 or 5 points. And now?

You will be required to attend a Road Safety training action . The unjustified absence implies the cancellation of the driver's license, that is, he is without a driving license and will have to wait two years to get it again, bearing the respective costs.

I have 3, 2 or 1 points. And now?

Will be required to carry out the theoretical test of the driving test . Unjustified absence or failure in the test implies the cancellation of the driver's license, that is, he is without a driving license and will have to wait two years to get it again, bearing the respective costs.

If I run out of points, what happens to the driver's license?

When he loses the initial 12 points, he has no driving license and is unable to take it for two years.

How do I know how many points I have?

To find out what points you have, you should register on the Highway Offenses Portal

Source: ANSR

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