In California, motorcyclists will be able to travel along the traffic lanes


California is on the verge of becoming the first US state to legalize the circulation of motorbikes through transit lanes. Will other US states follow suit? What about European countries?

Riding through traffic lanes is common for many motorcyclists around the world. Although in most cases it is not a legal practice, the traffic rules in force do not prevent this from happening. Now, the State of California, USA, has taken the first step to legalize this practice.

The bill (designated AB51) has already been approved by the California assembly with 69 votes in favour, and at the moment, everything is dependent on Governor Jerry Brown, and the bill is likely to be passed. Bill Quirk, a member of the assembly and a major driving force behind this measure, guarantees that the new rules will reduce traffic congestion. “No issue is more important to me than road safety,” he says.


SEE ALSO: Motorbikes in the BUS lane: are you for or against?

The initial proposal prohibited carrying out the maneuver at a speed limit of more than 24 km/h in relation to other traffic and up to 80 km/h. However, the AMA, the association that represents motorcyclists in the USA, challenged this proposal, arguing that the speed limits would be too restrictive. The current proposal leaves the definition of limits to the discretion of CHP, the California Highway Safety Police, something that pleases motorcyclists. "This measure will give the CHP the necessary authority to instruct California drivers on safety guidelines."

It remains for us to know what position the other North American states will adopt in the near future, and ultimately, whether or not this new legislation can also influence European countries, namely Portugal. Does the future really belong to motorcyclists?

Source: LA Times

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