Hum Rider. The expression "runs over" never made so much sense...


The Hum Rider is a vehicle weighing 3,855 kg, with four chambers and a hydraulic system that helps you overcome traffic problems, literally!

In recent years, road congestion has increased around the world. It was thinking of a more efficient way to escape the traffic that Verizon turned this Jeep Grand Cherokee into what it calls a Hum Rider.

The standard chassis was equipped with a hydraulic system, powered by a Honda generator mounted under the bonnet, which is capable of raising the car enough to pass over vehicles in any traffic line, as you can see in the video below. :

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Unfortunately (or not…), we will have to find another alternative to escape the traffic. The Hum Rider is just a prototype created by Verizon as a way to promote the Hum, a module that allows you to get car diagnostics, roadside assistance and a speed control system, among others.

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