The first woman to drive a Formula 1 is 88 years old


Contrary to the standards of the time, Maria Teresa de Filippis, now 88 years old, made her debut in Formula 1 driving a Maserati 250F in 1958.

Does the name Maria Teresa de Filippis mean anything to you? Know that this woman and driver was a pioneer in world motorsport, and at the age of 22 she was already leading the Italian speed championship. One of the most disputed championships in the world and where she even managed to become vice-champion.

After a few stones on the way, the emancipation of women began to bear fruit and Maria Teresa de Filippis was a small embryo in this fight for equality, Maserati invited her to race in Formula 1 at the controls of the 250F in 1958. She competed in five Grands Prix, four by Maserati and one by Porsche.

I ran just for pleasure. At that time, nine out of ten drivers were my friends. There was, let's say, a familiar atmosphere. We went out at night, listened to music and danced. It was totally different from what pilots do today, in that they became machines, robots and are dependent on sponsors. Now there are no friends in Formula 1. ” | Maria Theresa de Filippis

She was even prohibited from running because she was a woman. The director of events, Toto Roche, went to the press conference, showed a large photograph of Maria Teresa and pointing to the photograph said: "A young woman as beautiful as that should not wear any helmet except the hairdresser's dryer." When she found out, Maria was furious and said that if she saw him from the front she would have punched him. Her Formula 1 career ended 1959, achieving an honorable 10th place as the best result.

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