National market grows compared to 2020, but not 2019


With the close of the first half of 2021, the data advanced by ACAP (Associação Automóvel de Portugal) for the national market reveals a majority of positive values ​​compared to last year (severely affected by the pandemic), but negative when compared to last year " normal” that we had, 2019, with a drop of 34.1%.

In this first half of 2021, sales have been stronger with a progressive increase compared to 2020:

  • + 25.6% (equivalent to 87 445 units) in the sale of passenger cars;
  • + 31.7% (15 309 units) in the sale of light goods vehicles.
Mercedes Class A 250 and

Times get tough, but the leaders keep on

Regardless of whether the number of sales is still at low levels compared to 2019, the podium in the national market remains, with Peugeot, Renault and Mercedes-Benz occupying, respectively, first, second and third place.

Of this third, the competitive numbers among French brands should be highlighted, with emphasis on Renault, which, in June, was able to significantly reduce its distance from Peugeot.

The lion brand achieved sales of 1523 units in June, while Renault far surpassed it with sales of 3247 units. Ultimately, in the first half of 2021, Peugeot leads the national market with a small difference of 493 units sold.

Citroën ë-Berlingo electric
Citroën ë-Berlingo, 2021

In terms of sales of light goods vehicles, Renault, Peugeot and Citroën are in first, second and third place, respectively. The diamond brand surpassed 2910 units sold, compared to the 2391 units sold by Peugeot and the 1873 units sold by Citroën.

However, it is important to note that, when both figures for sales of light passenger and light goods vehicles are added, Citroën rises to third place among the best-selling car brands, dethroning Mercedes-Benz, resulting in a 100% French podium .

Even so, compared to 2019, sales of light passenger and light goods vehicles are still in a negative spectrum, with a drop of 34.5% during the first half.

In this first half, the Top 10 brands that sold more light vehicles were:

  • Renault;
  • Peugeot;
  • Mercedes-Benz;
  • BMW;
  • Citroen;
  • Toyota;
  • Volkswagen;
  • SEAT;
  • Hyundai;
  • Opel

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