Mercedes: The 2014 Formula 1 turbos will have a "spectacular" sound


The sound of Formula 1 in 2014 may not be so “screaming” but it will certainly be spectacular.

In 2013 Formula 1 bids farewell to atmospheric engines because 2014 turbo engines enter the scene again, after they were abandoned in 1989. It is the turn of the 2,400cc «aspirated» V8s that will be replaced by V6 units of only 1,600cc with use turbo.

The more conservative adherents fear that this change in engine architecture will leave one of the most important aspects of the discipline in the «streets of bitterness»: the sound emitted by the engines. But Andy Cowell, chief engineer in the department of F1 engines at Mercedes says there is nothing to fear.

In F1 in modern times, Renault pioneered the use of turbo technology.
In F1 in modern times, Renault pioneered the use of turbo technology.

According to Cowell, the engines of single-seaters in 2014 will be less “squeaky” – because they won't hit such low notes, but that doesn't mean they will have a less exciting noise. “I had the privilege of being in the block test room, the first time we tested the 2014 engine and believe me, I was smiling from ear to ear”, the shrill sound of the atmospheric engines will be exchanged for a little lower but quite notes melodious, "thanks to the direction we're taking" Cowell said.

On the other hand Cowell believes that these engines will provide a more exciting visual spectacle, “less rotary, these engines will have more torque”, “that means more power out of corners…”. Sounds like a good omen to me, don't you think?

However, for the more nostalgic or more sensitive by ear, here are some of the best symphonies of recent years:

Text: Guilherme Ferreira da Costa

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