31% of Portuguese send sms while driving


Several telecommunications operators and Brisa joined in an awareness campaign against sending text messages while driving.

Although the use of a cell phone, without the use of earphones or a loudspeaker system, constitutes an infraction, sending text messages while driving continues to be a regular practice on national roads, with around a third of motorists doing so. This is a dangerous practice that NOS and Brisa are warning about on this holiday through an awareness campaign that seeks to ensure that motorists concentrate on driving and do not use their mobile phone while driving, ensuring safe journeys.

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The awareness campaign that recommends to drivers “Concentrate on driving and do not use your cell phone while driving” will be present between July 17 and August 31 in Brisa's own facilities – toll booths, service areas, Via Verde stores, invoice extract and website – on TV, radio, billboards on buses and online.

Aware of the need to promote responsible behavior and practices in the use of information and communication technologies, and in particular telecommunications, NOS considers the initiative to be associated with an extremely important warning for the promotion of safety for all Portuguese people. Sending sms or using the cell phone inappropriately while driving is a risky behavior for the driver, passengers and other motorists.

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