Mercedes-Benz supplying Volvo engines?


The news is advanced by the German Manager Magazin, based on the fact that Daimler AG currently has as its largest individual shareholder, the owner of the Chinese company Geely, Li Shufu. Company that, in turn, also owns Volvo.

However, having heard about this hypothesis, an unidentified executive of Daimler has already rejected it, arguing that, “ideally, we prefer an alliance in which all parties win. Now, supplying Mercedes technology to Volvo and Geely is not a win-win alliance.”

Despite this position, the magazine also guarantees that Daimler and Geely may develop a joint platform for electric vehicles. This is despite the fact that the Chinese car manufacturer has been developing a solution of the type “for some time”, showing itself equally receptive to developing, together with the German manufacturer, cells for the batteries.

Li Shufu Chairman Volvo 2018
Li Shufu, owner of Geely and Chairman of Volvo, could become the bridge between the Swedish manufacturer and Daimler AG

Moreover, following that same partnership, Mercedes could also supply engines to Volvo. With the magazine even ensuring that sources from Daimler will have been available to supply other components as well.

Volvo shareholder Daimler AG?

Also according to the publication, as a result of this collaboration, Daimler may even acquire a small shareholding in the capital of the Swedish manufacturer. “Around 2%”, a kind of “symbolic” gesture, which should be understood as the “will to cooperate” with the Gothenburg brand.

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Contacted by Reuters, Volvo is said to have declined to comment on the news, while a spokesman at Daimler described the information as "pure speculation that we will not comment".

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